Time for some clarity. Yet one more time.
Sashimi is that with raw fish.
Sushi.... isn't. If you don't believe get yourself over to Los Angeles and go to Little Toyko. Or go to Japan.
I get tired of the misinfo in this forum. It gets old trying to correct. I'll likely stop doing that very soon. Let things lay where they lay, and people where they lay. Ignorance and spreading of inaccuracies shall reign supreme. And you 7414 will be there doing your part it seems.
Too many people here LOVE ignorance and spreading it around.
About raw fish. I will never eat it. Parasite city. Asking, no, begging, for a parasite problem eating it. I will never forget when I was a kid on the end of the Manhattan Beach pier. Someone pulled up a flatfish. There it was on the cement. A bug crawled out of its gill, The fisherman squashed it with the edge of a knife.
You would need a microscope to check for eggs. Some things fully grown you would need a microscope for. And you would have to slice tissue wafer thin. Throughout the entirety of the fish in this kind of safety inspection.
Cook the bounty of the sea. Well.
Cultures that eat raw fish have a specific number of inhabitants who have parasitical infections as a result of practices.
There is zero safe way for a sashimi preparer to ensure the fish is parasite free within the context of sashimi preparation. I know this because I have known and currently know professional sashimi preparers. Japanese and Chinese.
It is a crap shoot.
There it is. A closing of ranks of the ill-informed. I could set a watch by this.
I'm done here.