there are many pitfalls to buying KI from the public at large (that includes me). i KNOW what a little bit of something bad every damn day can do to a person over time. thats why i make my own and pay real close attention to it, moreso than i do in my conversations here, which are usually on the fly.
the place i get my KI from has tested some of this fly-by-night stuff and found that a substantial amount of iodine was missing, a sign of excessive age and.or poor handling and storage.
the picture above shows another way that one can get ripped off on KI. i also think the prices are really low. KI is hydrophylic to the max. it loves H2O. if all the water were to leave a bottle of SSKI, the KI alone would fill more than half the bottle. thats how tightly water molecules can pack around KI molecules. this is called waters of hydration. the waters of hydration are very important as to the strength and weight of a product. the are certified with a minimum percentage of water content. this effects the quality.
i suggest people buy from me. just once. a little bottle for reference. you can put a drop of what you make and a drop of mine on a plate side by side and let them dry and see how much KI is actually there. you can taste a drop of mine compared to yours. you can try them and see if they have different action in the body.
im all for DIY. its what i do and i expect everyone else to be able to as well. some people just like the dilligence and asurrance of quality they get from me. and the convenience. and the gratitude i receive with every order.
be cause the important thing is to get enough iodine. iodine makes everything work better.
Sorry I just read your other message above on the perils of making your own. Do you think this is too cheap to trust?