Hey Grizz,
I know you were asking somebody else this question, but I can give you first-hand experience on the subject.
I have been taking
Iodine for about 4 months now, but really wanted to get past my 8 drops per day dose, but KNEW whenever I took 9 or 10 drops....I would get an instant debilitating headache so I stopped at that point and figured I'd just sit there for a while and test the 9 drop threshold from time to time.
After reading here on curezone someone's recommendation to take 100mgs I thought they must be insane, but my desire to get up to the "Holy Grail" amount of 100mgs was eating at me too much so I turned into a nutcase and took the plunge.
I put 16 drops of
Lugol's 5% in a glass of water with a 1/2tsp of Celtic
Sea Salt and chugged it down.
I walked around my home for a couple of minutes and waited for the headache to arrive. I started laughing for being such a fool to take that 100mg dose. I waited and waited for the headache to arrive and it never came. As a matter of fact I didn't even get a bad, achy detox reaction. The worst I got was a little tiredness so I laid down to let my body detox and heal.
I was up in an hour. The next day since my previous excursion went so well I decided to take 200mgs of Lugol's. I did the 100gms in the morning and in the evening I took another 100gms. I felt the
Lugol's descending into my tissues then my heart started beating a little stronger than normal, not faster, just stronger. Then I felt my immune system kicking in gear and I was about to go into a full-blown HR (Herxheimer Reaction), but since I didn't feel like getting put down for 3 days I ran around my fridge and pantry looking for some candy but there was none.
Sugar suppresses the immune system so if you need to go to work and can't afford a full-blown HR just eat some candy and your immune system will get on back down to it's normally sluggish self. I couldn't find any candy so I did the next best thing, I ate a meal. If you eat a meal the energy your body was about to put into fighting off crap in your system, must now be used to digest food. After I ate some food my immune system calmed down. Now I keep myself right on the edge of an HR without going fully into it by managing my dosages well.
Ok, so I learned that 200mgs is definitely a major detoxing dose so the next day I backed off to 150mgs....100mgs in the morning and 50mgs at night. THAT is the perfect balance for me. Every day I get used to more and more
Iodine so I have to add one or two drops more each day to stay right at that high detoxing (HR) threshold.
I add 2 or 3 drops of
SSKI in the evening just to boost things up for fun. I can feel that stuff going in and reacting with an old infectious area in my leg. Low dosages just don't give the same results as higher dosages do.
Now there's no way I would have gone straight from ZERO to 100mgs a day, but I was already at 50mgs a day so bumping up to 100mgs a day was no problem. 200mgs a day is now my goal. My immune system actually came ALIVE. It was like putting rocket fuel in the gas tank of a car that ran on regular unleaded.
I just wish I had gone to the 100mg dose sooner...I'd be at 200mgs a day by now. I'm doing 150mgs a day with no problem. PLUS 60 or 90mgs extra of Potassium
Iodide in