Hey there... I have severe vertigo as one of my (zillions) of symptoms. Sensation of me moving instead of "room spinning." Feel like I'm on a boat that rocks back & forth continually, as well as lurches around. Have to hold my arms/hands out to "steady myself" so I don't fall/pitch forward. Very disturbing!! I also have severe acid reflux, many times from eating or drinking just anything. It's so bad it wakes me up in the middle of my sleep at night, feel severely nauseous behind it.
Am just starting 2nd dose of Ivermectin. First dose over a week ago stopped the vertigo! Not right after taking it, but about 15 hrs later. Have you done Ivermectin?
Also, have you been tested for Toxoplasmosis?? Were you ever around ANY outdoor, indoor/outdoor cats when you first got sick? I tested WAY positive for that. The meds are prescription only. Four weeks worth to start. Daraprim (Pyrimethamine)--an anti-malaria, anti-
parasite drug. First day you take it 4x, then once a day after that. And then you also take Sulfadiazine with it, 4x a day. (I'm allergic to Sulfa drugs so I was on Clindamycin as an alterntive.)
It took 3 solid weeks the fist round of taking all that till the vertigo STOPPED, but it DID STOP! Also the "doomsday thinking" stopped. I hadn't realized I was thinking like that, or that it was connected with the
parasite infection, but it was!! I totally see that in you. You've got severe doomsday thinking. :( What also happened to me was that I started feeling NORMAL again, like I was HUMAN, like I could function in society/the world again like a normal person.
I don't know... I just URGE YOU to keep going, keep looking for answers. Get tested for Toxoplasmosis if you've been around any cats! Then if positive get on those meds!! I see you've taken Prazi/Albenz, but have you done the Ivermectin/Albenz protocol? I'm seeing the Ivermectin as a miracle drug in regards to vertigo! I don't know if you "stagger" when you walk or not, but I do. (I certainly never used to!!!) I walk like I'm "spastic" now due to this whole
parasite infection. Horrible! But BOTH the Toxoplasmosis meds AND the Ivermectin STOPPED the staggering!! (I just took a dose of Ivermectin 2 hrs ago. It DOES make me dizzy, feel "loopy," sleepy, etc, BUT, I am NOT staggering now as I walk! I am walking in a straight line again...miraculous!!)
I am noticing that even with the limited amount of time I've been on & off these anti-parasite meds--all of them--that my "skewed doomsday thinking" IS getting better, along with feeling physically and mentally stronger. I am NOT tired all the time like I have been for yrs, I don't sleep my days away all the time like I used to/had to, and I am feeling HUMAN again, like I hadn't felt in all these yrs being sooo sick due to these parasite infections.
As for the severe acid reflux, I am waiting for all these meds to kick in & stop that, as I DO feel it's connected to the parasite infections. My doc had prescribed Omeprazole for that, (believe one can get it otc as well.) I resisted for almost a yr as I can't stand taking medications, but when it gets really too bad I now DO take it, and like all the google reviews I've read on it, it IS a miracle drug for acid reflux. Just take 1 capsule before a meal, once a day. It stops the acid reflux, the nausea, ALL of it! I can eat/drink in confidence that food & liquid is going to go DOWN, rather than come back UP later on. (Which is a supremely horrible sensation!)
As always... take it or leave it, what I say here. I tend to "pontificate," get hyper in my communications. Sorry if there's any offense taken in anything I've written! None meant!!