So I saw my new primary care doctor today. He basically called me crazy.
I told him my symptoms and he said in two years that nothing really stood out on a lab result therefore all problems (insomnia, night wakings, sensitivity to light inability to handle stress, typical stage 3 symptoms minus the fatigue) are the result of a psychological problem and that I should be treated by a pyschiatrist for anxiety. (Come to think of it...he never really looked at any of my prior labs). The only thing that was off was high AM cortisol and rhea.
He said I had a predisposition to this since my mother suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. (Who knows maybe she TOO had adrenal issues due to years of stress and just being a worry wart in general).
At first I got angry that he wasn't looking for a root cause. The analogy was like giving someone too much coffee and when they become jittery saying they had an anxiety problem.
But could it be true that some people just don't handle stress well and then when you add the daily pressures of life it becomes overwhelming and you have adrenal melt down. Should I have been on psych meds all these years?
I did try to go on Lexapro back in January when I had an adrenal relapse and all it did was give me panic attacks that stopped when I stopped the medication but it makes me wonder.
Before this, I never used to stress if a co-worker came to talk to me. Now I feel my stomach churn in knots and I just want them to go away so my nervous system can calm down. It isn't all the time and depends on the day. It's like the bar for my stress threshold has been set higher and things that never bothered me before make me hyper and want to jump out of my skin.
He said if nothing shows up on the 24-hr urine test, then he wants me to see a psychiatrist.
What to do?!?!