Sorry that's happen to u. Candida has change my life for sure too. If u have vaginal yeast infections all the time it's probably because u have a intestinal yeast infection that keeps infecting your lower area because it spreads. The first place to start is to find out IF u truly have it
By trying out caprylic acid, garlic, coconut oil ect all these antifungals are listed online. If u have oral thrush(candida in mouth) then That also lets u know u have the infection.
Remove all sugars ,carbs, lactose, glucose ect and switch to a non starchy vegatable diet while taking probiotics ,sauerkraut and supplements. If ur infection is serious u might have to stay away from dairy probiotics like kefir and yogurt. If ur having social anxiety then most likely u will have to do enemas as well because ur intestines are most likely colonized with candida which is a pain. Ask ur doctor for
Nystatin powder form. Nystatin is a antifungal that's easy on the liver, Ull need that to
Being the infection down. I still haven't beating candida but I've come along way from where I used to be. I been fighting for almost years. Hope this helps, good luck .