Oh no... a dog with delusions of parasites! Did they offer him prozac? J/K! lol
Yikes! Do
Tapeworms wiggle? I guess any worm movement would look like a wiggle.
The testing sucks.. you can have live worms in it and still get a negative.
They need to revamp the testing process and look at entire samples.. not just a smear. What would happen if you would have gotten THAT infection from your dog? On top of a psychotic
Ascaris that does whatever it wants in your body.. By rights you should be able to sue the vet and lab, but they'll argue that nothing is 100%. But if nothing is absolute, they should still treat you anyway if you have symptoms and are willing to accept risks associated with treatment. I've read medical papers where doctors pulled live
Ascaris from people's bodies during endoscopies... why can't they zap muscles with radiation or something?