Here ya go. The video was sponsored by the James Randi foundation.
According to that post:
""Every few years we hear of new allegations against everyones favorite government employee, James "The Amazing" Randi.
As it turns out, he has had a lot to do with the world of pedophilia, from sitting on the board of the False Memory Foundation, a known pedophile front group, to personal accusations that have even taken him to court to defend himself.
Since his normal manner of debunking is to claim that since a thing could be faked, it must be faked, his claims of innocence tend to ring a little hollow.
What is perhaps the most "Amazing" thing about Randi is how almost all of these claims, even the ones with evidence, are rapidly driven off the internet!
No, he is not suing to have material removed, it just gets pushed further and further back on all available search terms until you have to search the last few entries on google or yahoo to find the information at all.
This should be beyond the power of one man...
What seems to be happening is that certain "Debunker" front groups are paying people to post hundreds, even thousands of web-sites holding stories of how wonderful James Randi is and how he "FIGHTS" pedophilia.
It is a clever scheme, as anyone looking for the information would tend to lose interest and think that the cover-up means he is innocent.
Another troubling thing:
Why are all these groups covering up for him? Is there a solid link between the core of "Debunking" and child Molestation?
At first it may seem hard to believe, as most child molesters tend to be friendly, weak seeming people, but there does seem to be some long lasting evidence to back this up.
Try, for instance, to get the core of one of these groups to denounce "child love".
They will not do it.
Yes, the rank and file will, but those at the top?
They instead will refuse to answer at all.
In modern times, a refusal to answer is about the same as an admission of guilt in most cases.
Oh, it may make the story go away, but only the guilty refuse to defend themselves.
Have you ever heard James Randi or any head of a "Skeptical" organization speak of where there money comes from?
They always seems to have money, nice clothing and such, but only a few have jobs that pay anything...
It has long been suspected that the CIA and other intelligence agencies use Pedophilia as a blackmail subject, to bring operatives under complete control.
Could it be, that like many major news outlets, that the "Debunker" community is run by the CIA and that the dirty secret of these shameful souls is that they rape children for their own sexual gratification?
It is unknown, but there is so much smoke here, that we had best be looking for the fire, lest we all get burned.""