Today is the last day of my first long water fast.
Here's a short summary:
Duration: 28 days
Height: 169
cm (5 feet 6 1/2 inches)
Starting weight: 89 kg (198 lbs)
Weight at the moment: 80 kg (178 lbs)
Weight loss: 9 kg (20 lbs)
"Ideal weight" imo: 69 kg
I've started fasting because of my skin problems,
excess fat,
Depression (not severe, but not without suicide attempts)
and to change my eating habits.
To be honest, which I now can, since it's in the past,
I have been eating very little in the last two months before fasting 400-500 kcal a day).
I should have started wf-ing a long time ago, but I've read that people with
Depression shouldn't do it. I still think it's not for "all" depressed people, but I felt it was right for me .
Right now my skin looks so so much better. There are pimples, but they aren't as deep and not as many as before. The skin looks much fresher and cleaner. The stretch marks are fading. I got mine 13 years ago when I hit puberty, so it's a miracle they even started to fade.
The biggest change though. I now am appreciating my life. I can laugh again. It's a great feeling to not be apathetic any longer.
I know,
Depression can't be healed and it's a life long struggle.
But if wf can keep it at bay even for a short period of time, it's more than enough for me.
Oh yeah. The white coating on my tongue has dissapeared. A little early, i guess. It even has a healthy color. The tongue myth is true, at least for me.
More info:
In the first three days I also drank oolong tea.
After this only water.
I've brushed my teeth with toothpaste 2 times a day.
No enemas, no supplements etc.
I've spent most of my time resting. I
I have only two BM to report: day 18 and a couple of days ago.
It wasn't an easy fast, I've had many awful detox symptoms, i felt sick from drinking more than two cups of water a day. There were days I've constantly felt like throwing up. I'm glad it's over. I'm also glad I've done it.
thanks again @ MissCherie and Scorpioeyes for constant support. You guys are the best.