I had TERRIBLE hypoclycemia... off the charts.
I *believe* I took supplements that contained chromimum at that time. (IT's hard to remember every pill or mix.) I cannot say if it helped or hurt. I felt so bad when I was hypoglycemic it is hard to say what was doing what.
After months of extremely disciplined, careful eating (not just sugar-free... but minimizing GRAINS, FLOUR, STARCHES and HIGH-FRUCTOSE FRUITS which are more hypoglycemic reactive than white
Sugar in many cases - and balancing any that you do consume with plenty of fats or oil) - my metabolism healed and the awful hypoglycemic symptoms went away. My mood, cravings, sleep, etc. became regulated and semi-normal.
Almost 3 years into my healing, I went on a paleo-type diet called the
Primal Blueprint. I eliminated all grains and
Sugar completely (even in cooking sauces, small amounts). Soon after going Primal... my insulin resistance, hunger levels, sleep, thyroid function shot up to an even more improved level.