What you are seeing is the result of too much colon cleansing and thats exactly why this kind of thing works and is prevalent because folks with out any biological studies will be shocked and think something is wrong with them. Guess what something is wrong but its because your doing it to yourself. What your usually seeing this these photos is mucus build up which happens when too much water too often is being directed into the bowls. Its a natural build up your messing up your bodies whole homeostatic system. You may even need a lot of probiotics to replenish your healthy gut flora after doing this kind of thing too long. Some of the other stuff seen in many of this photos are fermented vegetation that was removed from the colon by force far before the natural digestive process would have taken it out. It can look shocking too. Ignorance can be bliss for many but for others its pure hell. I feel so sorry for what many of you are going though and I can relate cause I did this kind of stuff to my self too for many years before becoming a biology major and taking some classes on evidence based nutrition and gastroenterology after a doctor saved my life ( a real MD not some quake natural heath nut that usually are not gastroenterologyeven natural heath nuts but con-men-women preaching about toxins without knowing the first thing about how toxins really work.) you cant build your gut full of toxins by what you eat unless you're eating poison and you don't need to assist your colon unless you have an actual digestive disorder.
If you had really had worms it would not take very long for a gastro doctor to detect then most of the time and with propor fallow it they would be found. worms are very draining to your body as most
parasites are. Their is no secret other then eating right, exercise and regularly fallowing up with a evidence based doctor. They wont have all the answers to every single one of life's mysteries or the ailments we may manifest on our selves via anxiety but its a lot better then resorting to quackery. I was very much in the pro clense sense in the day until it almost killed me and I could swear it was toxins killing me and everyone in the comminity keept encoraging usless treatments that feed my anxity and made me belive that I was being helped even when I wasnt. Got to the point I felt inflmation in my body if I wasnt using a enma or a cleans every now and then. All the while I was messing up my digestive system even worse over the years.. in time I needed a clostimine bag, then my intestines had real time to heal, they had to be stretched to size again after that, which hurt like a mother bleeper but all in all my bowl movements returned to normal before I ever started cleansing and I realized how lucky I was.. Many do permanent damage to their bowls this way. I didnt understand half of what the doctors were telling me and I knew I needed to educate my self lest I ever be susceptible to manipulations of quakes again. I started studying real scientific abstracts, and went to school again. now I realize how ignorant Ive been. I wont simply believe old wisdom cause its been done for so long, I wont simply believe what others tell me on the internet because it gives me confermation bias (a big probliem for many of us looking to justify our irrational behavore and addiction to completly clearing waist from out gus but guess what? the colon should NEVER been 100 percent empty except for surgery or exam, that alone messes up your whole flora system, as well as you lymphatic system then can mess up your kidneys all because of gas, water, and waist imbalances that you caused your self.. please don't kill your self with ignorant practices anymore.. good luck.
Doubt anyone will listen. I wouldnt back then for sure, Id go on a rant how doctors and corporations are evil and in hand and hand.. which is still true in my mind about corporations and big pharma and some doctors are bad apples getting kick backs. Ill always believe that but I will not dispute objective, research anymore from peer-reviewed scientific community. and I know as hard to admit for such an anxious and prideful person as my self, I was wrong.. I was dead wrong. And it almost killed me. this life style can kill you too and its killed others in the past, but it will be easy to dismiss that I guess if you dont want to believe what your doing is unhealthy when its marked as healthy cause its labeled as natural and cause some guru said it. God our ignorance. Dont trust anyone who says they have the "secret" the only one benefiting then is those at the very top via the placebo affect. Think im wrong? IDC, just wait and see for your self in many years. You will long for the days you could poop with out feeling like it was going to cause you a heart attack, before your anus swelled up so much due to your over using diuretics, colon cleansers and shoving ennma tubes up your butt, and before you like most who go though all this realize only at the very end, that they did it to them selves. Oh and what sucks is if you stop now sometimes, for many of you, you will probibly not be able to poop and may cause your self an impaction which forces you to keep cleansing until it becomes a daily occurrence if you want to poop.. which just destroys you worse and leads to cancers as your constantly messing up your intestines.. oh then the blood starts coming.. most of the ones at the top of these remedy selling folks know that you become dependent on it after a while like someone taking H , because your homeostatic system makes changes to your body and adaptations take place to try to minimize the damage you're causing which makes it worse in the end after a while and you suddenly stop well you cant function anymore... its sad.. and in those cases it usually means surgery or putting your colon on life support and reestablishing the flora and may never be prefect again. Stop while you can and get help from a real doctor and be upfront about everything your doing and how much. Its not a matter of belief its a matter of fact vs fiction.