Order: Kidney, Parasite, Colon, and Liver or Start everything at once…
colon cleanse: option 1) organic whole psyllium power (if stomach is sensitive use powder form) with terramin clay OR option 2) organic whole psyllium husk with activated charcoal (I alternate between the two)
duration: one and half year and then 2X a week for life (if you want see what comes out do terramin clay)
organic whole psyllium from
Terramin clay from
activated charcoal from
http://www.amazon.com/Activated-Charcoal-Powder-16 Pound/dp/B0026XWKKM/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1364022059&sr=1-1&keywords=activated+charcoal+powder
Distilled water is best, eat Himalayan salt to replenish minerals
parasite cleanse: fully ozonated hemp oil (4 hours away from food- usually take it before bed)- 1/4 teaspoon daily for year and a half and take when you feel you need it for life, humaworm- 3 months supply (mix with honey then water), barefoot- 2 bottle (2 tablepoons, daily), zymex II- 1 bottle, Coq10 (1 1/2 teaspoon in honey once a week- 1 powder bottle)- start all at once
natural form of Iodine,
Must take Natural
Iodine with 5 Brazil Nuts or else you can damage thyroid
fully ozonated hemp seed oil from
Skin Paint with 10 drops of Lugol’s
Iodine everyday for 2 years, eat 5 brazil nuts everyday
humaworm from humaworm.com---slow delivery, buy 3 months supply (family value pack), just in case you need more and you will most likely need more…
Barefoot’s P/W/A
or make your own tincture, you can make 3 year supply with $100, with dried herbs from Mountainroseherb.com or you can purchase dried herbs from oldfashionspices.com
add 30% alcohol (vodka) to ½ full glass jar (I use a gallon jar) of herbs of your choice and place in a dark cabinet and shake 2X a day for 6 weeks and then drain…and then strain and place in smaller jars- lasts forever…
In a large glass jar: 1/2 herb mixture and fill almost to top (leave 2" at top free so you can shake the mixture) with 30% proof vodka....this will last forever--label the date and will be ready in 6 weeks- shake 2X a day...
Herbs- you go to Humaworm website and read all the ingredients and see which herbs you want to utilized, most herbs are in 1:2 ratio, so easy to calculate how much to order
I don't want to intake alcohol, so I boil 2 to 3 tablespoons of the following in water- same herbs can be used for tincture:
Olive leaf, clove,
Wormwood , pau d'arco, elecampane, turmeric, burdock, fengreek, walnut hull
Haven't tried bloodroot yet, but planning on it soon...heard it is very strong and good for killing ascaris
I feel whole herbs are better quality then powder... you can place whole herbs into blender to turn it into powder form
I would buy a small amount of 2 different types of herbs from the following places and compare which has the best quality: I like old fashioned spices best
Organic: 1)
Amish: 2)
Small farms: 3)
Standard Process Zymex II from amazon
Now brand Coq 10 powder (all Coq10 is the same, just sold under different name brands b/c it is patented)
It is important to do this all at once to minimize scattering of worms, remember everyone has worms so don't freak out and eventually 90% will die, unfortunately one can never be completely without
parasites b/c their eggs are everywhere… remember the more you exercise the less infested you are…sweating (or infrared sauna with distilled water) removes metals and pesticides from your body…
You will be very tired for the first few months of the
parasite cleanse, it is caused by toxins released from dead parasites…take a day off to rest from herbs and other remedies if you are too tired…take charcoal to absorb toxins…
Wash vegetables and fruit with vegetable soap wash and then rinse with ozonated water to kill parasites—can purchase ozonated machine or just use couple of drops of food grade Lugol’s
Iodine in a bowl of water…do not eat sushi or raw salads that are prepared at restaurants or processed lunch meats- it is filled with
parasite eggs…and never swim in pools, hot tubs, ponds, and lakes…and do not share drinks and food with other people…mostly eat cooked foods and mostly eat fruits and vegetables that you can peel…
Please do not take pharmaceuticals to kill parasites; it will weaken your immune system and kill beneficial flora and few years down the load you will have more parasites, so only take the natural homeopathic route even though it takes a lot longer to complete…
I personally have parasite overgrowth from not cleaning my fruits and vegetables in ozonated water or few drops of Lugol’s Iodine in a bowl of water
(I didn't know how to clean properly, previously- I mean this isn’t common knowledge)
Also, I took
Antibiotics about 5 times, which kills all your gut flora...I didn't know this at the time…
Eating fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut, kefir, kumbucha, and yogurt will rebuild gut flora…
Make sure you purify your water with a reverse osmosis machine or distillation method (is best)
b/c tab water has lots of
parasites (and fluoride which lowers IQ by 15) and purified water has no
parasites eggs (and minerals, unfortunately- take terramin clay, 1 tablespoon in water like 3X a week or when you crave it, to replenish)
If you want glowing skin...try Wombat High-odine creme... just search wombat creme on curezone search engine or you can make your own--rub on your face and neck...shave your face and neck everyday with a razor upside down w/ soapy water on face and you will never wrinkle... Also, Dr-roller is good for
Acne scars and wrinkles -
Also, you can rub lemon on your face...I also, drink 5 cups of lemon water a day...(I eat about 2 to 4 lemons a day)
Remember do not take
Antibiotics and do not get any type of vaccinations, esp flu vaccine --- ruins your body and causes cancer and CFS
Remember everyone has parasites and that you are actually doing something about it...
If you can fast for 40 days straight (Master cleanse for 40 days)...it will kill 100% of parasites, eggs (all stages) and remove all
vaccination residues... I can only fast for 30 hours tops, so it is not for me...but if you have the will power, this would be the fastest way to remove parasites
Everyday, morning shake:
1 organic lemon unpeeled, 1 organic apple peeled- leave inner seed- cut out cork ends, piece of ginger, 3 to 7 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil or pumpkin seed oil...
Also, you can drink ozonated water...I don't drink ozonated water (works only for gut) b/c I take ozonated oil which works for all parts of your body and lasts up to 24 hours
It is a lot to do...the most important things would be
Colon Cleanse (any of the 2 options), fully ozonated hemp oil or fully ozonated hemp oil, Barefoot P/W, Andreas
kidney cleanse tea and liver cleanses...(cost is around $150 a month) b/c the parasites and eggs live in the mucoid plaque build up in your colon, so until you remove all the plaque (can take up to a year and a half) you will always get re-infested....the rest is just extra...(the most important is drinking distilled water b/c tap water is filled with metals and parasite eggs)
I spent thousands of dollars trying various things and $150 a month is all you need to cleanse your whole body
I wanted to share that I been doing
Colon Cleanses on my cats by sprinkling organic psyllium husk powder on their dried food, parasite cleanse: .09 cc/ml of fully ozonated hemp oil for 3 months (3 to 5 times a week) and then once a week as maintenance, also 1/3 teaspoon of foodgrade DE (1 month only), and plaque removal in pets: I soak some q-tip in olive oil and rub it along their teeth and gum- only the outer teeth portion and I hold their mouths closed by holding top of their nose and jaw line while they sit on my lap...all the plaque removes within 5 to 7 weeks...you can do this daily and not have to go for a dental cleaning....you will notice that plaque will fall off within the first/second week and might be able to scrap it off with your finger nail... -- small pets .09 cc/ml ozonated hemp oil every night, away from food for 3 months and then once a week ---when you feel they need another parasite cleansing for duration of 1 week (2X a year)—also give pets foodgrade DE on their dried food, for 3 weeks only- one time in their life ---I give them Azomite water 2X a week, seasonally…Do not vaccinate your pets,
vaccinations causes illness…
Kidney Cleanse- between every 3 liver cleanses
Herbs for kidney cleanse-
Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse- Liver flush! ----when I do the Andreas
Liver Flush (I don't do the
Epsom Salt part and don’t do enema before the liver flush--- can do ozonated
water enema to kill parasites in lower colon but then need ozone machine—or can purchase
Black-Walnut drops for enema)-- need at least 30
Liver Cleanses if you are over 30, at least 3 weeks apart (do the first 3
Liver Cleanses 2 weeks apart to remove sludge)---can add phosfood drops by standard process to remove more stones-- can substitute malic acid for apple juice--- some people don’t release as much stones between their 10th and 20th liver cleanse then release a bunch at the 21st or 24th one so that is why we need to do 30 to 50 liver cleanses…it is harmful if you do just one or two
Liver Cleanses and stop…I am planning on doing at least 100 liver cleanses…
next morning of the liver cleanse, I drink 3 tablespoons of charcoal water and drink a large cup of psyllium husk and I don't feel all the toxins from the
liver stones
I can’t afford to filter the tab water to shower so I take quick showers…hot water increase fluoride toxicity by 10 folds…so try to shower with cold in the summer or fast as possible…
Also, you may want to chelate metals out of body- chorella, Now brand: modified citrus pectin, terramin clay, cilantro, lemon water through out the day, pineapples (may take up to 4 years to chelate metals) cures lots of metal illness such as anxiety, OCD, depression...
Pineapples, pumpkin seeds, and papaya with the seeds kill parasites...(I eat either pineapple or papaya everyday...At Wholefoods, they have a large pineapple square container that is labeled value pack ($5/lb), it last 2 to 3 days...
To remove metals and fluoride salts in your body takes up to 4 years- Make sure to replace all your metal fillings in your mouth before metal detox:
Eat lots of organic pineapple, chlorella, modified citrus pectin, cilantro, lemon water, and these supplements helps to remove metals from your brain:
Do not buy Chlorella or anything from Japan or near Japan- radiation builds up in your glands…
Good supplements:
Best yogurt:
Manuka Honey: