Hi guys...
I finished a two week water fast, 2 or 3 weeks ago... during the fast i also started urine therapy which really brought my candida levels down. There were of course some pretty heavy healing reactions, but have more or less increased it to one cup a day, two half cups a day, but i do not usually drink my morning urine if it is too concentrated, as it generally results in pretty strong die off, and i find it harder to regulate doses. I also suffer from intestinal inflammation(chrohn's symtoms). My intestinal inflammation really only became a real issue after about 2 years into treating candida... This being one of the many healing mechanisms of the body, to rid itself of toxins. I also believe a HUGE cause of the inflammation was my high meat content candida diet, I could feel this mass of meat just rotting in my gut! And of course, inflammation just creates a dancefloor for candida to get jiggy.. this vicious cycle!
After the fast my digestion finally started working! I found it hard though, easing back into eating, and also was eating a cooked foods.. I was reading self-healing Crohn's and Colitis by Dr. David Klein, which is a really incredible book irregardless if you are trying to heal IBD or not, he shares some great wisdom of eating and living by organic law, divorced from mankinds intellectual interjection of our biological diet.. it really struck a chord with me, and made sense.
After about a week i really overdid it, ate a massive meal, which kicked off a bit of a crohns flare.. Before the flare, i was blending up a couple cups of berries, drinking massive amounts of coconut water, and things which would normally spike my candida, having no reactions, infact feeling really great. Actually was feeling the best i have felt since i got hit hard with candida overgrowth some 4 years ago.
Not long after the crohns flare, i had a day of bad die off possibly from over-exercising.. Ate a bunch of these "veggie chips" which than caused a massive candida flare, than i started reading the 80/10/10 diet book, and thought id give it a go... just more or less ate raw veggies and some granny smith apples and grapefruits for a few days.. i had eaten a few too many avodadoes a couple days earlier.. than i had just a cup of blended berries before bed, and woke up with the usual flare up reaction, heavy beating heart, spaciness, anxiety .. all that stuff. than same thing this afternoon.. apart from the flare ups from the fruit im feeling really good! So i want to give a raw diet an honest shot. I read of all these people who just seem to go from eating a standard candida diet one day, to eating all fruits the next without any transitional period??? Do many people just eat raw veggies and maybe some beans for a while and slowly introduce fruits and find success in that method? Also how long does it take for fats from say, the bunch of avocadoes i ate a few days ago to leave the blood? actually i an avocado yesterday morning too.
The thing is... i feel i must change from a meat eating diet, if i do not eliminate the inflammation, i will never be rid of overgrowth of candida,... and the crohn's flares are just hell!
Thanks :)