Y'know, I don't typically respond to any of these religious ramblings because it only gives attention to things that can be wholly toxic to me, personally. Particularly, on DEBATE forums, I try to keep my comments to myself, but I do read posts, from time to time.
What I have noticed in these dozens of posts is that there is a distinct arrogance that one poster has all of the answers and the only direction that mankind "should" pursue. And, it doesn't matter which religious discipline is being discussed. Everyone believes that they have the only answers, and they have the only insight, and that they have a personal line of communication with Great Creator, Yahweh, God, Vishnu, Allah, or whomever.
The relationship that I have with my "higher power" is very personal, and very private. I do not foist my beliefs upon others and expect them to embrace MY interpretation of any teachings in any religion or philosophy. My belief is that we - human beings - have been gifted with everything that we need to live "good" lives. I know many, many self-proclaimed and baptized "Christians" that are the furthest thing from this loving idea as anyone else. I know many people who are aetheists, and follow a path of insight and "love" that others who proclaim their faith simply will not explore.
For each rambling and rabid comment, there has been no reference (Biblical, or otherwise) to support these outrageous, outlandish, and garbled pronouncements, and I can type this with the utmost confidence: if Christ arrived back to this world, tomorrow, he'd shake his head and say, "Wow. What a waste of precious energy. I'm out."
If you folks have an insight to share that can be directly referenced to the teachings, then GREAT! If you're just spouting what YOU think SHOULD be, then keep at it because you're the only one that's living in your Universe, unless you're working on building a cult of hatred, intolerance, judgement, and "do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do."
Jim Jones, David Koresh, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Bakker, Joel Olsteen, and all of these people who have made mountains of EARTHLY MONEY spreading THEIR interpretations have either fallen, or will eventually trip on their own arrogance, themselves, and fall. WE.........each one of us........is mortal and flawed.
Get off the judgement platform and start doing some introspective work to figure out why everyone else is a sinner. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. It's like the post that declared that domestic violence is a result of disloyalty in marriages! WAT?!
Wow................just..............wow. I've gone on an ignorance-induced rant, and I do not apologize, either.
No, it's not a simple "yes-or-no" question. Do you feel that you've been arrogant, self-righteous, or the antithesis of the teachings of Christ? Only you can answer that question. I certainly cannot and I won't be goaded or baited into passing a judgement on any individual. And, it might behoove all of the other individuals posting their beliefs to pause, and ask themselves that same question and come to a conclusion based upon facts, rather than beliefs.
I am not judging anyone by any standards. What I am typing is that it behooves us all to examine ourselves before any of us take a stance in telling the person next to us what they "should" believe. Interpretation is a human activity that is often based upon predjudices and personal self-loathing, in whatever form that takes.
As for my posts and my bLog entries, I have made it very clear why I've posted the facts of my experiences, along with the feelings that accompanied my experiences: to vent, rant, rave, purge, and to give anyone else who is in doubt or may be struggling an insight into the journey of personal recovery and healing. I do not believe that you've "wept" for my experiences, one iota. I don't believe you've given even a passing thought to my experiences, whatsoever. And, I am not asking for (or wanting) you to. My posts are strictly for my own purposes: to purge and to teach. That's it.
Have any of the "regular" posters on these forums actually stopped posting and volunteered for any NON-church organization to assist the indigent? How many regular posters to any of the religious forums are able to truthfully say that they have sacrificed their own time and personal resources to help those in their community who are in dire need? And, I don't mean writing out a tax-deductible check to a 501c non-profit organization or cleaning out their pantry to "donate" outdated cans of stuff for the annual food drives. I'm talking about getting off of one's duff, rolling up sleeves, and getting down into the trenches with those who are filthy, hungry, desperate, hopeless, helpless, and ruined.
I disagree with the manner in which some posters on religious forums insist that they, alone, have the answers, because nobody does. This is why there are theology and philosophy courses in institutions of higher learning - to rationally discuss and debate so that they may go out into the world with a clear understanding of their vocation.
And, yes, I'm in touch with Christ and I perfectly understand why I experienced the things that I did. And, I also don't hold "God" accountable for my experiences. He/she/it is beyond my capacity to understand - motives, intentions, etc., of a Divine nature are not any mortal being's business. But, what I DO know is that loving one's neighbor is the most important teaching - not the only one, but the most important one.
Enough said. Either accept that these are my beliefs, or not. But, nobody is going to preach their brand of redemption to me with any success. I don't have to defend or explain my beliefs, nor should anyone who is truly at peace and content with their beliefs, whatever they might be.