This is the best test to take. It will prove that you are severely
Iodine deficient, as are >75% of those tested.
Also take the Fluoride & Bromide tests:
The prostate requires iodine. See Prostate testimonials here:
My own prostate problems & libido were cured with iodine. You will read in testimonial just how terrible our prostate can become without iodine.
Libido is also dependent on iodine. Testosterone is made in the testicles, and the testicles require
Iodine to generate its hormones. Ditto female hormones require iodine. Women suffer the most from
Iodine deficiency diseases which in most cases are the same as Candida Symptoms.
Brain Fog &
Depression are also iodine deficiency symptoms:
Read this link on how bad brain fog can get:
Also listen to her interview.
I am convinced that Candidiasis itself a major symptom of iodine deficiency.
More here:
The fluoride & bromide tests are important to show how these toxins have taken over the cells in our body and have displaced iodine which cripples our immune system.
I'm surprised that you do not also suffer from cold hands & cold feet with below normal body temperature. This also results from iodine deficiency in many cases. Maybe you are but just didn't mention it. Also another Candidiasis symptom.