I am so happy for your success! This is a horrific disease, indeed.
At your web site, you discuss the almost impossible to remove tumors that remain after a lesion "clears" up.
I have a scalp that is partly covered in those lumps and bumps plus this weird smooth skin that feels waxy, which covers a large portion of my scalp.
My scalp is also pretty much hairless in this large affected area, too, as hair doesn't seem to want to grow back.
All I have are patches of short stubbles within the affected area. I know the infection is not cleared up in this area of skin even though the lesions have moved out and into new locations, because the skin is still not normal (waxy and lumpy). Nothing seems to be able to fix this. I've tried soooo many things!
It seems I'm stuck with this, and to top it off, it continues to spread as I write this. Soon, I will have this covering half of my head with baldness included (with patches of just stubbles).
Up to this point, I've been able to hide a large portion of this condition with the long hair that I have around it, but very soon this won't work any longer.
I'm very worried. I don't know how I will explain this to people at my work when they see and begin questioning me about it.
I'm a caregiver in a healthcare facility, for crying out loud! Who wants to be cared for by someone with a grossly diseased, bald head!? Ok, so.... how 'bout this...
Did you have this waxy skin leftover? and, did the protocol heal it too? thx.