dr natasha campbell mcrbride
"Worms generally are
nearly impossible to eradicate, they almost always come back. Herbal preparations work
while you take them, but as soon as you stop, these kinds of worms usually re-surface, as
they do after Ovex as well. The advantage of Ovex is that it works in 1-3 days, where
herbal treatment takes months. Ovex does not address tapeworms. Those are more
difficult to remove and for those I would recommend a medication to start with, then
followed by herbals. Generally speaking, we all have worms. The important question is:
are they affecting your health? If yes, then it is a good idea to fight them. But if they do
not bring any symptoms, then there is no need to attack them, as they are a part your
inner eco-system and may fulfil some useful roles, such as regulating immunity and
preventing autoimmune disease. The typical symptoms of common worms getting out of
control are crampy pain in the middle of your abdomen, particularly after food in the
mornings, difficulty putting weight on, persistent anaemia (usually hookworms) and
bouts of irritating dry cough (the larvae travel up the breathing passages into the throat to
be swallowed again)".
its a loonnnng batttle.