I'm doing a
parasite and
Colon Cleanse with psyllium husk and
Bentonite clay and a tincture of 3 herbs for the parasites, the product name is now foods.
I am half way through, i plan to do it for 14 days, 1 week break, then 14 days then 1 week break and repeat for a total of 11 weeks.
My aim is to cure or at least help my
Seborrheic Dermatitis and since starting the cleanse it has become the worst it has ever been!! Is this possibly die off? the storm before the calm?
I'm also feeling really depressed and angry, and worst of all i can't stop craving junk food!! I gave in to one sugary thing which i know is really bad and is not going to help at all, and i will most definitely not let that happen again, but will that slip up now effect the cleanse?
Has anyone else experience this whilst
parasite cleansing!! ?
Also ever since i started the cleanse i've had this awful headache which is a bit like a tension headache and after a bowel movement the tension reduces slightly only to rise again later on. I also have horrible bloating is that possibly from the p&b colon shakes?
I'm not sure if this is from the
Depression or the cleanse, but.. i just have no motivation to do anything what so ever, i just want to go to bed and not sleep, but just lie there. It's not a tiredness feeling, my energy levels are low, but i'm not tired, at least not physically it's more of a mental exhaustion.