I eat lots of medicines my stomach problems 8 years, and eat anti-inflammatory medicines my rheumatoid arthitis and lots of
Antibiotics and every symptoms fits in candida, and my diet 3 weeks, with antifungal medicines, fluconazole and terbafin is working and i get sometimes massive die-off..
Doctors dont believe finland candida, so they dont test it.
They do all possibly blood test, for check allmost every disease, and runs ct scan on my body and head, they do even 4xbakteria-cultivation(sepsis)on my blood, check my heart, kidneys,liver everything but not candida.
Then they dont doo me nothing only wait i die and give me something to sleepaway, but i get stronger every day..
What else this can be? if not candida, becouse my
Sugar levels in hospital goes up and down, and natrium is too low.