It looks like you have been on here about 4 months and basically started out using traditional drugs.
As you mentioned, these drugs are damaging, not only to the liver, but every organ in your body.
For many years, I tried your route and I found traditional anti-parasitic drugs to be lacking in long range effectiveness. It was a blessing to me to have found Dr. Clark and the Zapper because that route has been far more effective for me and the results longer lasting. Having eliminated most of my Candida problems as well as not having any significant
parasite issues that used to abound for me. The additional benefits have been extensive, such as significantly reduces allergies and respiratory problems, fewer and less intensive colds and flu, reduced cancer, etc.
Regardless of the methods that you choose, the truth is that we are at risk, daily, of re-infection.
You must be diligent in reducing this risk and taking action at the very first symptoms to eliminate new infections.