Hi All
So glad I found this forum! I have been having these symptoms for over 15 years, and just recently learned about adrenal fatigue which is excactly what I have...here is a description of my symptoms: very tired in the morning and all through the day,brain fog, cant concentrate, forgetfulness, dizzyness when standing and walking...almost fell a few times...i also have a goiter on my thyroid for more than 10 years, its a few centimeters large. and on the ultrasound the other gland is very very small to completely gone...The FNA tests for the goiter show that it is not cancer.I had severe iron defeciency and had to get IV for Iron. Also deficient in B12 and got a few shots as well.I urinate constantly, cant drink anything cause immediately go to pee! so for all these years I havent drank more than a glass or two of water a day. also have salt cravings. sometimes i wake up at 5 am and cant continue sleeping. i cant sleep more than 6 hours night and very tired all the time. I also am bloated, like a rock in my stomache, constipated most of the time and have gass issues. My TSH levels are below the norm. T4 and T3 are with in the norm (regular blood test
) I have very dry hair and skin, lots of hair loss. recently i switched to a plant based organic diet in attempt to take care of this after beeing dissapointed from doctors after 15 years with these symptoms and they cant find anything or help. i also drink distilled water. I just started learning about adrenal fatigue and would like so advise as to what to supplement with, and which and where to do tests? i read about taking HCL which makes a lot of sense and I think could help with the gas and the issues of my deficiencies since i guess my tract is not absorbing any nutrients...i am not sure about taking adrenal rebuilders could you recommend or not? i also take some Remag (magnesium and iodine with additional minerals.) aslo i switched to hymalaian salt. I would love to hear suggetions as to what to do to take care and heal! Thanks