if you read any of the info on the "one-minute cure", (which is a book) or perhaps do a search on youtube for a short video on the same, googling that title, you will see. It's very very simple.
About faster EFt, ditto. It clears what's at the root of all kinds of symptoms. If you're not interested to look, then something else will speak to you. Not to worry... You must trust your own gut about what sounds worth checking out.
wish you speedy healing! After years of reading and studying health and healing protocols I no longer believe it has to be "a long road", but I DO feel that it is trapped emotions and detrimental belief systems, which are thoughts thought over a long time, that create dis-ease that is at the root
of all these symptoms, be they "candida", or whatever.
Another modality that might speak to you is The Emotion Code. You can do a search on the book, or find a video online that explains and/or demonstrates the work. Looking at the body from the purely physical, to discover what/why is fruitless, as strange as that sounds.
"what's wrong" is not coming from the physical, so asking others to diagnose will be frustrating, as you have no doubt found, with doctors. But something like The Emotion Code is worthwhile. So if I were you, I'd look for a practitioner--you can find one on The Emotion Code site.
btw, I am not a practitioner, just someone who's been teaching myself this work, and other energetic modalities, like EFT, which is also amazing. There are tones of videos on EFT and Faster EFt.
someone mentioned DE--that is Diatomaceous earth- yes, that's good to take, for
parasites and even as a supplement but still, this too is somewhat symptom-minded.
If there is candida overgrowth, say, , it is there for a good reason. The terrain supports it. If you change the environment, not by 'taking something', but by changing the roots of the very foundation of "self", you return yourself to more of who you truly are -- A you without ailments.
then the symptoms just fall away, because there is nothing for them to rest on.
then yes, there may be some supplement that can make a big difference. Kelp, for iodine, msm for sulpher, something short-term to re-set the system, but a good practitioner can find this too, along with addresing the core misalignments, emotionally-speaking. I just would not FOCUS there, on the 'something out there' to take, that you need to fix you. The old "look within" idea is really true!
All the best