I have often wondered about why I suddenly came down with a lifetime of asthma at age 40. My doctor blamed it all on our dog & his "dander.".. Asthma continued for the rest of my life after I gave the dog away. Why?
Now that 400mg of
SSKI has cured all of my asthma symptoms, do you think it could have been candida in the lungs all along? This mystery deepens.
IMO, doctors could care less about what causes problems as long as they can sell drugs, and keep us coming back to their waiting rooms. I'll bet the men in white coats just LOVE asthma. It provides a lifetime of prescription drugs & helps fill the waiting rooms. BIG TIME revenues from asthma!
Trapper, by God you are RIGHT ON!
Google has all the answers if only we are smart enough to ask the right questions!
Google "Asthma Candida" brings out a wealth of information!
Dr. McCombs, "Candida and asthma occur frequently together as a result of
Antibiotics and steroid therapies.
Antibiotics eliminate the beneficial bacteria flora found in the lungs, intestinal tract, and throughout the body, thereby eliminating the inhibition of candida colonization. Additionally,
Antibiotics and steroids temporarily suppress the ability of the immune system to respond to the spread of candida, allowing for unchecked growth. The end result can be a lifelong imbalance that creates discomfort and restriction, and sensitizes the lungs to other allergens.....Inhaled steroids and intermittent
Antibiotic use provide temporary relief and ensure the ongoing cycle of inflammation, candida growth, and asthma attacks. The use of both drugs creates further complications through a list of side effects that can number in the hundreds. Adrenal suppression, osteoporosis, cataracts, and glaucoma are common to steroid use. Obesity, diabetes, allergies, cancers, life-threatening colitis, digestive imbalances, and other symptoms and long-term effects are associated with antibiotics. Obesity in children has been linked back to asthma, thus the cycle continues. Both drugs speed candida colonization in the body.
Oral and Esophageal candidiasis (thrush) are two of the most common symptoms associated with steroids. As prescriptions of steroids has increased, so has the occurrence of esophageal candidiasis. The pro-inflammatory presence of candida adds to the severity of symptoms through promotion of Th2 and Th17 immune system pathways. Candida promotes both pathways and both pathways are associated with asthma. Once colonized by candida, the airways become sensitized to candida, fungal spores, and other fungal byproducts....The effects of antibiotics and steroids have to be countered and repaired in the body, as continued use leads to vicious cycle of disease and symptoms in asthma......
So bottom line - every time I went to the doctor for steroid shots and the full course of steroid medications I was making myself sicker in the long run. Every time I had to use that expen$ive inhaler, I was propagating MORE candida.
Now the Men in White Coats are promoting the Dulera inhaler at $250 each ! !
WOW ! What a BONANZA for Big Pharma. Asthma is a $$MULTI-BILLION market and guaranteed to grow because of the medications they promote. This makes me FURIOUS! To think of all of those years of suffering and all of that money I had to pay for those medications that were making me worse long term.
This is HUGE.
Over 24 million Americans and 300 million people worldwide are suffering with asthma and I'll bet they are all into a lifetime downward spiral. Not to worry - here comes the Dulera inhaler at $250 to the rescue!
Paraboy needs to read this. He has been trying to help his mother with lung problems and has known that asthma medications were making her worse.
Now I wonder how many of those 300 million asthma victims are related to Candida of the lungs????
From now on, I'm calling you Doc Trapper! You really should write a book. I'll bet it would become a NY Times best seller.
In your experience, how much
Colloidal Silver do you think a person should drink & how often?