I think the best organized way to solving the problem of
Body Odor is the scientific method. We need to start sampling every known therapy or method as a group at the same time. I say this because it would be effective to know how many out of group its working it for. We would write down anything we noticed symptom wise digestively and odor wise. any external factors would be noted like other medicine for other conditions. if theres positive results one would note that and everyone could report back after a set given time. We would analyze the results and work as a group following the same methods to find the one that works and by having a group we can rule out flukes and find a very promising method. We would try to follow the same diet and record any variables which could effect the results, like pre existing conditions and so on. If we do(we will im hopeful, if we can get to the moon we can fix a
Body Odor ) we can fine tune it to the most positive result returning therapy and have new members to the forum who share this condition to try it and have them report back so we can see its effects on an individual. We will do this until the correct cure method is found as a group as this will also give a support aspect to the struggle as we have a common group goal and way of getting there.
also if possible id like to et a sample of the size of this community so if everyone could comment once aleast to show the size. even better to comment with a said odor and description so we could organize into sub groups who work independently but under the leadership of the common group.
different odors and symptom groups can use a different therapy as a group and report back with results. this will make results more accurate.
itd be good if we could get a team leader for each odor symptom group to report results and run the show like picking the method/ therapy and the plan like diet so on, keep the results report to the forum on them as a group. percentage wise symptom results and so on.
its hard when we are not organized to find a cure we need to start using the methods other medical fields use to cure this.
please give this a shot guys i think its a good plan and well make us feel alot more motivated connected, odor improved in the long run, more untied less lonely, and something to be constantly workng on and fine tuning.
keep notes on your odor, symptoms when on the selected therapy and we can conclude on them.