Yes, I am definitely thinking potentially in six months I might give it a go. I would love to find someone who had proper full on AF who got treated there. I might look into it a bit more.
That could be the same person in Texas, Mad Pat spoke to them, he even phoned Panama (he does like to talk!), but Shannon will know more about what came out of it than I do, its all too far away for me, but Germany is definitely within reach. We should make a group visit :)
Mad Pat was Hawkesfan, he has left Curezone because of all the trolls, but Shannon is still in touch with him. Hes not on facebook any more either,
Yes I said to Neville you had Lam damage as well! It seems there is SO many of us, NYCkidd is now working with him as well, and guess what? another Lam victim!
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