This poster had great resistance to the first vegetarian I met. I rationalized that he was arrogant. But in time his compassion and intellect won me over.
For many years now, there has been a growing movement in Indian apartment buildings to accept only vegetarians.
Why? Some of many reasons:
Many states in India have banned cow flesh. Indeed even the world's biggest cowflesh monger, McDonald's, serves none in India.
The smell of cooking flesh is offensive to those who don't kill animals.
Nonvegetarians cause more grease fires.
Nonvegetarians have more communicable diseases.
The smell of cooking flesh is actually a group of molecules which can enter the nostrils of nonvegetarians.
Vegetarians have a lower crime rate. One reason for this
is the absence of adrenaline in the diet. Only some of the enzyme links of adrenaline are broken in cooking. Enough remain intact to recreate in the consumer the biochemical of terror
and anger in the animal being murdered.