Sorry, I meant bacteria being wiped out by antibiotics and fungal candida taking over the Gi tract causing immune depression.
So do you think undecenoic acid is more effective than capric acid and lauric acid at reducing candida numbers or undecenoic acid is just more effective at keeping candida in a weakened yeast form?
Unfortunately this study doesnt include undecenoic acid and its ability to kill candida:
Where your clients taking Lauric acid or were they taking monolaurin? According to the study above they look like 2 different forms of fatty acids? I only knew of one company that makes lauric acid. Several companies make monolaurin.
Found it interesting that Lauric acid was more effective for canidida than monolaurin. It might be similiar to the same as comparing undecenoic acid vs calcium undecleynate???
Curious on your opinion of why undecenoic acid is safer than lauric acid? Thnx
Any of your clients try capric acid? I still have a bottle made from metabolics. It caused so much head fog I could't get past 2 days of taking it. Maybe taking an anti-histamine with it would make it more tolerable. Not sure if capric acid has the same side effects as caprylic acid. I don't know of anyone who has taken capric acid. Metabolics stopped making it so I don't know of any company that makes it right now.
I'm going to contact this company to see if this is monolaurin or lauric acid. Hard to tell what form this product is because they interchange both terms in the description.