Here :
parasite Fasciolopsis buskii does in fact exist, but only in Asian countries, so that an infection in our country is ruled out. Consequently, this
parasite does not enter into consideration as a cause of the numerous cases of cancer in the Western countries; at most, it might be one of several causes of liver cancer (and only for this type of cancer) in the Asian countries.
True, asian humans do not travel in western countries, asian foods are not shipped to western countries and are not eaten by western people, asian animals are never shipped in western countries, the feces and urine of asian tourists do not circulate in waste network and are not rejected in the nature, the western doctors are regularly testing the western humans with reliable tests to detect if they are infected by helminths (especially the fasciolopsis buski) therefore there is no reason to think that western people could be infected.
Who has written these ignorant, not objective, affirmations ? Some people are either too ignorant or gullible or don't want to think critically...
Note that i have nothing against asian humans, this is just to build my argument.