I felt the same (for five months), you can read my desperate posts. I was convinced, i have parasites, at the beginning. Later i realized, my symptoms were caused from chlamydia pneumonia, candida overgrowth, severe allergy to aspergillus mold, all recently discovered. Chlamydia pneumonia causes (according to european studies) symptoms similar to lyme disease (tingling, massive neurological problems in the head). You must not give up, go to specialists, check other things. Do not put the idea in your head, i have parasites, i live with it. In five years, you should have tested many other things. There is hope for you, giving up was never an option for me. But study and research, find the right doctors, contacted tonnes of doctors from Europe, USA.Also check thyrhoid problems. Hashimoto causes similar symptoms. There is a silent Hashimoto enchephalitis. Go to endocrinologist, infectious disease dcotor,neurologist and gastro enteorologist. hepatic problems causes such symptoms. I saw and contacted tonnes of doctors.I bought myself a pharmacy (all type of plants, teas and so on).I knew, there is a cause for me. Vanderbuilt university has some of the world's experts on Chlamydia pneumonia. Dr. Stratan's protocol are amazing, find an infectious disease, ready to check you, to treat you. Do not give up, scream,make scenes.It is your life, your health. CP takes months to heal in chronic form,like my case. CP infect veins, constrict veins,causing demyelination, what i felt in my head.Please do not give up, you have something, find it and treat it.