I dont see it as an anti-science rant; more like that science without experience is of little value (for the editor of the article)
We have some great studies, science of high quality, that never are revealed to the big mass, because.. well, we can make qualified guesses.
Then we have Roundup, the pdf I linked; a simple way to do it is to have a short time span of the experiment; short enough to not have a bad effect on us. Then 5 or 10 years after the bees die of a coctail of herbicides and insect killers, possibly. Or they realize that Roundup are detrimental to the cows gut health. This is serious.
The same thing they did to amalgams, fluoride, and alot of medications. They are tested on young healthy people (mostly) while the ones taking it daily in water or medication are not necessarily healthy or young. Then comes the effect on pregnant women, our outsprings. Next to never tested, and if they are, the fact are frequently NOT shared with the masses.
Also the accumulating effect of a substance are usually not included in studies. Thats why they do it short, like 2 months of aspartame instead of 2 years. The scientists know all this, but they are payed to do a job.
The rest of your post I see as an attempt to pick a post apart, it is always possible to do that. Especially as we have something called translation, but that is how it is at these forums, second language for many of us. We can take it in Norwegian if you like.