Hi all,
I'd like to share with you my 1st retest which was done by TEI lab. My HTMA result shows a significat changes, increase in the sodium level, drop in the copper level and shift from a slow metabolic type to fast metabolic type.
As it was mentioned many times, at the beginning I was feeling much worse, probably because of the copper release and I was not able to take the supplements every day.
My energy level is very good now and I can excercise much more. I put some weight(muscles) on.
I still have some brain fog and headache, maybe stil some detox.
My potassium level is still quite high and hopefully will go down in future months.
Sym Pack and Thymus supplements should bring potassium down.
I can't say that I detoxed copper completely because copper detoxes in stages so I will see in next HTMA test.
But for now I shouldn't take any zinc.
Here are my recommended supplements:
SYM-PACK 0 0 1
MIN-PLEX B (Magnesium + Chromium + B6) 1 1 1
DIGEST-ZYME (Digestive Support) 2 2 2
In last 4 months I was using following supplements:
Para Pack 1 0
Sym Pack 0 1
ZMC 1 1
Min Plex B 1 1
Vitamin E (400 IU with selenium) 1 0
I was also using:
AdrenaStim product (which I find exceptionally good)
Vitamin C
Digestive Enzymes
some herbs to support thyroid and liver
Here my HTMA result:
Hi INTi,
after my 1st HTMA I received same explanation like you mentioned. The high potassium is a potassium loss because of copper dump. That's why I was recommended to take some potassium and I was not allowed to visit sauna.
What is very interesting is your sentence: "ARL's advise was to add copper into new regime to combat the potassium issue, whereas TEIs advise was to not add any copper as it would further increase potassium loss."
Because the new plan I received from TEI lab contained much copper in supplements as well. The original recommendation was:
Thymus Complex 1 1 2
Copper Plus 1 1 2
But my practitioner said that it is to much copper at this phase. That's why Copper plus supplement was removed completely from my plan, and dosage of thymus and sympack was decreased.
So maybe when copper level drops in HTMA, there is also tendency to add copper by TEI lab to decrease the potassium.
That exactly confirms what my practitioner said: "The copper in Sym Pack and in the Thymus should be sufficient to bring down the potassium."
Until next HTMA I also should avoid high potassium foods.
Interesting. Your sentence brought me to question, after the 1st test I thought I have potassium loss, but now after 2nd test it seems not to be a potassium loss but simply high potassium? I will have to ask this question my practitioner.
But with the copper suplementation it starts to make sense.
I got following explanation for it:
"The toxic copper is bio-unavailable to your cells. So the irony is that someone who is copper toxic is also usually copper deficient. In most cases you have to supplement copper after the detox".
This idea was also confirmed here on forum many times, for example here:
"It's confusing, but when copper is toxic (biounavailable), a person can also be deficient for it at the same time. It's because it is oxidized, and not able to be used by the body like it needs to be."
Regarding the fast metabolizer guidelines, I should increase intake of high purine protein foods(liver, kidney, heart, crab, lobster, oysters...) and also I should increase milk products.
Carbohydarte intake should be reduced and all sugars should be avoided.