I just read more information about hibiscus tea being the MOST antioxidant of ALL beverages, even more so than green tea! I absolutely LOVE hibiscus and drink the tea on a regular basis. I can literally get this stuff by the barrel, and always have PLENTY bags of it in my cupboard. So, needless to say, I make my tea using the dried flowers, not the commercial tea bag brands. But, if you have to buy a “Lipton” or some other store bought “herbal” tea, read the labels first.
Besides its MEGA antioxidants, Hibiscus is RICH in vitamin C, fights free radicals, is anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory. It’s tea and extract has been used to support heart and respiratory health, regulate high cholesterol/blood pressure, boost energy, curb hot flashes in menopausal women, maintains fluid balance in the body and relieve water retention. Hibiscus tea is also a natural antispasmodic, easing conditions like muscle spasms, cramps and menstrual cramps.
Infuse 1 tsp of dried hibiscus flowers in a cup of boiling water, add a wedge of lemon or zest, and let steep for at least 5 minutes. Sweeten with a spoonful of raw honey and enjoy!
Add a cup of dried hibiscus flowers to a pitcher and fill with distilled, spring, or filtered water. Cover and allow to infuse for at least 24 hours. Strain flowers and enjoy this “tea” by the cupful at least once a day. Sweeten with honey, add lemon, mint, etc. You can refrigerate, but I drink all of my beverages hot or room temperature.
Please Note: Hibiscus lowers blood pressure naturally, so those with this condition or taking any meds to reduce BP, should use caution or avoid. As it is also a natural antispasmodic and can relax the uterus muscles, pregnant women should not drink this tea.