about to stop imuran @ end of this month... havent seen any improvenemnts what so ever.... thought they were improveing for a little bit but unfortuntaley not... still get peeling white lips when wet and frakly its not rocket
Science to know if your ec is cured or not :)....
now my deem is thinking of two situations.... 1. try 3 months methotrexate as this is designed to slow cell growth and cell turn over... (compared to imuran which mainly attacks inflammation both immunosuppresent drugs but different rolls)...
2. try me on prednisole for a long period (3 months) im a little worried about this but he wants to see if it does stop or clear it up even if its temporaly it will at least be good to see it clear and know that the disease can be controlled...
also iv got my personal ointment being made by a compoud chemist... iv asked for a ointment similar to daivobet... its going to have a half strength synthetic vitamin d and also hydrocortisone... i explained to them that the daivobet is two potent for the lips so there going to weaken the amount of synthetic vitamin d and also put a moisturizeing base in it so its easy to apply to the lips...
im really confused as to what exactly ec is now... i was quite convinced that it was some form of dermatitis or eczema but maybe im wrong as i would think the imuran would clear it.... so now maybe im going to tackle the psoarsis side of thinks would methotrexate and vitamin d ointments... to tackle the cell turn over... as before i thought tackleing the inflammation would clear it... who knows but im really dissapointed and frustrated! i just want my life back!
also iv applied for a clinical trial with the drug Dupilumab waiting for further responses.... iv read plenty of good reports from a wide variety of diseases it clears from dermatitis to astma to psoriosis to athritis to allergic diseases.. so see what happens....
if anybody has tried methotrexate or has any questions ill try to answer if not ill speak to you guys when ever! i dont come on forum much every thing is dead regarding treatments and im sick of the same shit conversations and post that lead to nothing.... if anybody is doing different things or seeing success please share....