Hey all,
Has anyone done NB with a starting Na/K ratio below 1 and had success?
I first had 0.27, then year later 0.35, then started NB, then 3 months later 0.7 then stopped testing bc my energy went down again. I have severe AF, probably need to try HC. Been ill for 3 years, full out
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome since getting encephalitis infection, basically bedroom ridden, can't walk more than a few steps. I did NB around 5 months but too weak for sauna or CE, and took lower supplement doses in months 4-5. Don't think the supplments had any effect on me at all. My 0.7 result was likely not due to the NB program but due to fact my energy always increases at that time of year and started before I took the NB supplements.