There is no such thing as "one size fits all". Dosing is dependent primarily on body weight, the toxicity of the body, the capacity of the kidneys (DMSA, DMPS) and the liver (ALA), age, the phase of chelation you are at, and other similar considerations.
> Are low doses of DMPS, DMSA and ALA just as effective
> as higher doses of the above chelators?
No. The full answer is a bit more complicated (see below).
> So if you applied a low dose of say DMPS at 5mg and ALA
> at 6.25mg the excretion rate would still be the same as
> taking a moderate to high dose?
If your dose is much smaller than what you could SAFELY take, you are wasting precious time.
> what do such low chelators doses like those listed
> achieve in the long run?
Ultra-low doses are a good point to start, to see how your body reacts and what (beningn quantity) redistribution will do to you, then then goal is to work up to a reasonable dose as described in the Cutler book on
Amalgam Illness, and stick with it for as long as you see symptoms. Also, the person administering the chelators MUST UNDERSTAND what they are doing to the affected individual at any given time. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
> 0.1mg -12.5mg
Anything below 10mg would me pointless in case of DMSA or DMPS. If you need this kind of dose, you must stay away from ALA altogether, and do just DMSA or DMPS rounds to clear the bloodstream (see below).
How much you can safely take at any particular time largely depends on where you are in the process:
PHASE 1. Before the removal of
Amalgams (and about 4 days after it) CHELATORS MUST NOT BE TAKEN - they are harmful at ANY dose, and this applies to challenge tests as well
PHASE 2. After step 1 above, elemental mercury and other forms from other sources (vaccines, food) along with other heavy metals (arsenic, lead, cadmium etc) float in the fluids of the body and are also already trapped behind fatty barriers such as the body brain barrier and cell walls. You can use DMSA or DMPS to chelate heavy metals from the bloodstream, or wait for your body to excrete them if you cannot get your hands on any of these two chelators. Until you lower the body burden with a water-soluble chelator like DMSA or DMPS, or wait it out, starting with ALA is not recommended as it only increases the risk that you will mess up the schedule (eg by oversleeping) and the ALA will deposit more metals it grabbed from the inside of some liver cells or wherever into your brain (DMPS and DMSA can redistribute heavy metals into the brain, too, so you need to be careful with them as well). ALA is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, so it can go anywhere. This is why, when you focus on lowering the body burden, you do not take ALA in any amounts.
Listen to your body. The symptoms of redistribution at the end of a round (they should be kept to a minimum, but you will notice symptoms each time you make a mistake such as ending a round too soon or taking too much, or taking a dose twice by accident) will tell you how large your dose should be. If you experience strong symptoms at a 5mg dose of DMSA, then you obviously cannot take any more, and you should stay away from ALA, but you can do two things. You can extend the round to up to 15 days and take more appropriate supplements to facilitate quicker repairs.
You want to lower the body burden BEFORE starting on ALA because it makes no sense to risk more redistribution than is absolutely unavoidable.
PHASE 3. Once your body burden becomes manageable this is when you would want to start taking ALA. This is also when you change chelation schedule to accommodate ALA.
IN phase 2. above, you take either:
- a tolerable dose of DMSA every 4hours around the clock for at least three to four days and up to 15 days, then have a break of at least 3 days, then repeat
- a tolerable dose of DMPS every 8 hours for a few days, followed by a break of a few days, then repeat
Now in phase 3, this is what you take:
[*] a tolerable dose of ALA (start with as small a dose as possible) EVERY THREE HOURS around the clock FOR AT LEAST THREE DAYS (four is better, but five is worse because you also need sleep) FOLLOWED BY A BREAK OF AT LEAST THE SAME DURATION BUT NO LESS THAN THREE DAYS.
If you decide to take DMSA with the ALA, you take them together every THREE HOURS. Some people can take them ever four hours DURING THE NIGHT when the metabolic rate slows down, but do not space doses of either ALA or DMSA further apart than 4hrs. You can take chelators MORE frequently (after adjusting the dose), if you have nothing better to do with your time, but NOT less frequently than permitted by Cutler.
As for the duration of a round with ALA+DMSA: the ALA round is as described above [*]. You can overlap it with your DMSA round in the following ways:
[A] start DMSA (every 3 hours), when feeling good after a few days add ALA (same schedule), FINISH ALA AND CONTINUE DMSA until symptoms subside or for at least two more days
[B] start both DMSA and ALA every three hours, quit ALA as per ALA schedule [*] and continue DMSA for up to 15 days to mop up what mercury was dropped when quitting the ALA round and clean up the heavy metals from the blood.
[C] do A or B above with intermittent rounds of DMSA alone.
At this stage of chelation, you do not need anything except an appropriate dose of ALA and supplements.
When you no longer experience the slightest symptoms of redistribution, it is time to increase your dose of ALA. If you wouldn't (within reasonable limits for your body weight and age considerations), you'd be wasting your time.
A lower dose is usually better. However, 24 hours chelation at 100mg of ALA is estimated to remove 1% of brain mercury in a "typical" individual (whatever that means). This means you have to work up to a reasonably sizable dose at some point unless you want to chelate for the rest of your life.