um Dr Schulze leading student of Dr Christopher recommends not using the tea but instead making a tincture (for how to make a tincture search on here for these words making tinctures webpages and read both posts (2nd is by me)
Be sure to use organic or wildcrafted bulk herbs and you will need 80 proof vodka
I have tried this and it barely stings a few minutes so not as bad as it sounds
Using a tincture makes it very quick, easy and convenient to do
Be sure to read this to increase chance of success and be sure you are doing the right number of times a day (for the brain herbs take 3 to 5 times a day (2 dropperfuls if you weigh around 150 pounds if you weigh more or less let me know and I will figure the dose or tell you how to figure it
if you are ,making a tea you steep it 10 minutes You do not put any drops in it you put the correct proportion of the herbs in his formula
the drops are when referring to use of a tincture
You then have to cool to room temperature before using and it is much more of a hassle plus tinctures tend to pull out more healing phytochemicals that cure and prevent diseases than water from a tea but if making a tea always use distilled or steam distilled water as being empty it pulls out more chemicals.
If you make a tincture you can do it at work
just need a few minutes to put the drops in the glass eyewash cup and move eyes around as directed
You can bring your brain herbs tinctures and the internal dose of the eyewash formula
I suggest buying Dr Schulze's formula for the eyes as it is strong (although I am not sure how his compares to making your own as far as burning as he does use very very hot cayenne
but for the internal use homemade as one can save up to 90% and it will go a lot further.
the 3 cups of carrot juice drink before and/or after work as you want to drink it within 20 minutes and if in refrigerator and premade, it is not gonna be enzymes rich.
the slant board can be done at home but one needs to be on a good diet (such as vegan, raw, whole food or mucusless diet of Dr Christopher if you must have occasion animal products but high raw or all raw vegan diet is probably best as both Dr Christopher and Schulze always put people on the foundational program and a excellent diet when they saw them.
so you could take one dose internal and eyecup routine in am before work, maybe or 3 at work and the rest at home
So you would need the (I think you use distilled water so take some in a bottle), eye wash for use in eyes and the one for external use, the glass eye wash cup, the brain herbs (maybe take 3 doses at home and 2 at work..You could combine the dose if using all the brain herbs into one bottle for ease in taking it taking dropperfuls instead of counting drops. I think f it was me I would take cayenne separately so it does not spoil the mixed batch of brain herbs that you count out the does and add to the same tincture bottle.
If you take for instance three brain herbs and each is 2 dropperfuls (60 drops) add 2 dropperfuls of each and then count out 6 dropperfuls when taking the mixture which is two dropperfuls of each you just do not have to deal with three tincture bottle of brain herbs (one say ginkgo, rosemary and one other) and can just take it all together
to help you could get a medical spoon;_ylt=AwrB8pb60wVT_HkAPf6JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyN2Uydm0yBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjZWIwODdmNGQ0YzcwMDk2MmRjZmM3NGVhMzE2NDkxZgRncG9zAzMEaXQDYmluZw--?
Measure 60 drops of each of the brain herbs then combine them and then put in medicine spoon and measure it
then when at work just pour fro
m the big bottle of combined brain herbs the right amount you premeasured / checked at home into the spoon for quick and easy dosing
So to take to work you have
1 the eyewash formula for internal use in a eyedropper top tincture bottle
2 the eyewash formula for external use--tincture bottle
3 your bottle of distilled water to mix in the eyecup with the right number of drops to actually do the put in your eye routine say 2 or 3 times worth
4 the individual bottle of the various brain herbs (in tincture bottle)
or the combined brain herbs enough for two dropperfuls of each herb x for taking once or twice at work
5 glass eyewash cup
6 if using your medical spoon for quick measuring at work
For at home before and after work
1 3 cups of carrot juice fresh from juicer
2 the remaining doses of the eyewash for internal and external use ot ring you foe the day a total of 6 or 7 times or whatever he recommends in the link I put above
3 the reaming doses of the brain herbs (if you take at work then 3 doses of each brain herb at home
4 separate cayenne (take one at work if desired)
5 slant board once or twice a day
6 hot cold shower to the head (7 hots and 7 colds one minute each followed by vigorous head massage and light eye massage ?can also use hot and cold compresses to the eye (be sure not to do so hot you burn yourself.
Also throughout day excellent diet to support it or if you cant try the program and if it is not working then do it again with added diet change.
Hope this helps sorry a little confusing but I had a biopsy for cancer today and typing makes it hurt so trying to type fast