The key words in your post are "I feel". There is also hard knowledge.
Salt, or Na+ and Cl- are the most important electrolytes in the body. Na+ gets depleted during a fast, especially when lots of water is consumed, worse if it is distilled. (This is a fact, please do not argue with it).
You confuse the dietary advice directed at people on SAD with what is healthy or good during a fast. I don't want to repeat the post I contributed a while ago in the distilled water thread. If you want to learn, you may want to check it out.
Salt (about 600mg a day) is what American researchers gave to their long-term fasters. Enemas are insisted on by the Russian therapeutic fasting method.
Then, there is a wast body of experiences shared by fasters on forums. The early symptom of electrolyte imbalance, which is best heeded before it becomes severe, is water aversion.
Those who experience toxicity during a fast should know that enema will put the end to their suffering quickly. It is irresponsible to advise people to persevere when they can have a good, productive time during a fast.
A fast is the time not to be prostrated in bed but to experience incredible lightness in the body, exceptional clarity of the mind, creativity and euphoria. The outdated method promoted here by those who don't fast themselves, because they believe that fasting is for sick people, leads to unnecessary suffering.