I´ve bought today a
parasite cleanse formula (fresh “Green”
Black-Walnut Hulls (Juglans species),
Wormwood Herb (Artemisia absinthium) and Clove Buds (Carophyllus species) extracts)
First i only tried a few drops like 4 or 5 and past 5 minutes i felt a mild sensation of something crawling under (or on) my skin. Maily on upper body (chest, back and face, belly). I felt it during a few minutes and then it relieved.
After some hours before a light meal, i took half of a droppersful (the instructions says: Take 1/2-2 droppersful 2-3 times daily in juice or water before meals and/or at bedtime).
After a while i felt a little nauseous and now i´m feeling a LOT of "crawling" under my skin, it seems something is bitting me.
Could this be die off symptoms or i´m alergic to any of the ingredients? I didn't thought die off symptoms would be felt so fast.
I should say that the nauseous feeling could be not related because lately i´m having some nauseous crises.
Other symptoms i´m having lately are bloating, a lot of gas (intestinal and belching), anxiety and while ago i was detected to have a small polyp on gallbladder and a small nodule on liver (doctors don´t have conclusion yet but it seems benign, maybe something congenital).
I remember for two other times i had this feeling of something crawling inside. It was a day or two after i´ve walked in the wood and playing with my girlfriend´s dog, but it wasn´t the case now.