It's definitely not easy. But of course, you DO have a future. There is an answer. It is a matter of finding it. Some people die of cancer. Some cure themselves of it. Look for YOUR answer to this problem. Don't watch your life go by. Participate in life. Not everyone was going to like you even if you didn't have an odor. So, don't let that stop you from enjoying parts of your life.
There are times when I feel like if I could just find a cabin in the woods, I could be smelly alone and I could eat all the garlic, onions, buffalo wings, fish, eggs, etc that I want. But that is when I am feeling sorry for myself and missing foods that I like. Then I think about this beautiful man from my childhood that it is still as hot as he was 20 years ago (yes I am that old), and I'm like to heck with the cabin in the woods. My boo is waiting, so I better get my mind right and my diet together.
Your life is waiting. So make the necessary changes to get you to a better place. It's hard, but if no one else understands or supports you, I do and so do the others on this message board.
I wish you the best in finding the answer for YOU. I also wish you the best life.
Take care,