I can't tell you what the pictures are, But after having had, and getting rid of Ulcerative Colitis 3 times, I can tell you what the symptoms were all 3 times that I had it.
Blood and mucous in the stool which were many during the waking hours. For me medications didn't help, so I happened upon a book about fasting & tried it. Water fasted [distilled water] for ten days which got rid of the UC.After doing this for the third time It finally donned on me that it came back because of my diet which was mostly mostly junk foods, and sugary junk This was during the fifties, and sixties when I smoked a lot of grass, followed by getting the munchies.
Meds prescribed for this is usually prednisone or a similar drug that is a steroid that does nothing for the UC, but is a supressant of the immune system so your digestive system doesn't get inflammed. Side effects include swelling of the face, or in my case ankles. Summed up, typical Pharmaceutical junk.
The fasting makes sense because you are eliminating the cause by not eating whatever it is that is causing problems in the digestive system. It will return if you start eating the same as before. Like I said, it took me 3 times to wise up.
Hope you find out what it is and are able to get rid of it. Besides fasting, there are two other options that might help.
Probiotics, and Lypo Spheric Vit. "C" If you want my preferences, just ask. There are some inferior Vit "C", and probiotics for that matter.