First of all
coffee enemas are used to help the Liver to 'dump'. Of course, when they do dump, the toxic stuff quickly goes into the bowel. You mentioned nausea, which can be a symptom of toxins in the lower bowel (sigmoid) that are being reabsorbed into your system.
The sigmoid colon has the ability to remove moisture from feces that enter into it. So, the first part of the movement can be firmer than the remaining part, due to its location, as the moisture is being pulled out of that area. The softer portion has yet to move into that area, and has not been affected by the sigmoids action.
Is your back pain up high, behind the ribs, or is it lower? To the right or left? Could we think that there may be a narrowing of the bowel, due to too much 'old stuff' that has been hanging around, possibly building up for too many years. It can happen, and if your enemas are instilling the fluid too high, that could also be why the solution is unable to expel easily.
Enema tubing for a
coffee enema only needs to be inserted 3-4", and you need to lie on your left side. Perhaps, you are inserting too high? Thereby, not getting all the fluid out. I never do a
Coffee-Enema with the bucket any higher than 1 to 1 1/2 ' higher than my hip for the same reason of the solution entering too forcefully (quickly), making it go too high.
How much water are you drinking? That is a major part of turning constipation around. If I were to give advice, I would really encourage increasing your water intake. To consider adding IF#2 would also be another step in the right direction. But you will REALLY need that extra water.
I'm not an authority on juice fasting, but I'm sure that many here have applied that to their IF#2 regimen. Thereby getting much better results with colon cleansing. My thoughts are that you 'likely' have a lot of stuff in the bowel that needs to move out of the way, in order for your bowels to move naturally. If you decide to try the IF#2, the higher water intake would help the IF#2 work more effectively. I do not think, I would increase the amount of IF#1 at this time. However, I'm sure that some would. Please wait to see what others would encourage you to do on this matter. I, would use the IF#2 and increase water/juicing first. Whichever direction you decide to take will be better than doing nothing.
I've been away from this forum for a long time, so I hope that others will speak up to give you more suggestions and things to think about. You are doing great, you ARE on the right path. Don't give up! I've been there too. Bless you!