I wanted to mention something else you might find interesting. When I first reacted to blue cheese, I stayed on it for 3 months solid. After I stopped taking it, the effect disappeared within 3 days. This suggests that the blue cheese mold was not persisting in my gut.
After that I took Vitamin Shoppe's "Ultimate 10" probiotic for a solid month. When I stopped it, it took a full 3 months to wear off. Clearly one or more of the strains persisted in my gut for a long time. I suspect it was B. bifidum.
The reason I stopped these two, as I explained in earlier posts, is that even though they gave me a positive effect, the course of it was far too slow to be effective.
After those two, I tried out Prescript Assist. I literally only took one pill and I'm still feeling the effect from it almost 5 weeks later. This demonstrates that one of the strains (probably Bacteroides) has established a pretty strong foothold in my gut.
The reason I haven't taken any more PA yet is because it's so very powerful. I actually get knocked out like I've taken a heavy sedative when I take it, and I don't want to be in that kind of state when relatives come over for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I'm going to wait until after New Year's to start on it. My plan is to take it for a minimum of 3 months. By that point, I will be able to tell whether it can cure me or not.
I have high hopes that it will cure me simply from the extremely potent effect from one pill. In comparison, it took a full month of the "Ultimate 10" to get this same type of effect.
It's confusing to explain why getting "knocked out" would be an effect I would want, but it has to do with the nature of my candida and die-off effect. Put quite simply, antifungals and a no-sugar diet push my symptoms further and further from normal (no symptoms), and the Prescript-Assit pulls them back closer to normal very powerfully. This would make experienced a sedated phase for a brief period, but I suspect that if I continue taking it I will move past that and gradually return to normal until I am functionally cured. This is the ideal situation and I won't be able to know if it will happen until Jan 1. I really hope it works.