Hey friend...
I will answer that in probably the same fasion our favorite herbalist would:
if i were to take the time to let a medical psychiatrist tinker with my mind and run tests on me..i KNOW they would probably say im also somewhat autistic like you...especially knowing my strenghts and weaknesses and seeing kids around me being classified as such.
HOWEVER...give any medical person your time and money and we will all be diagnosed with some BS ailment as long as they think they can keep you running back with your wallet$$$
they create illness all the time so they can stamp people with this or that hoping to keep the $$$ flowing in...they brainwash people...
On a different note: the kids i know around me with autism that went on a SCD/Paleo type diet with no grains, dairy, processed foods and sugar, COMPLETELY reversed their issues and then they became the smartest kids in their graduating classes and their true intelligence was some what 'free' and they rose above all of the others and their parents/teachers were amazed
The lady that made the SCD diet famous helped MANY with autism...i DO NOT support SCD 100% because it still encourages many non-ideal human foods...BUT it does remove the typical bad foods like commercial dairy, grains, white sugar etc....
so what the hell does any of this matter? austim like any 'disease'....is just the bodys way of telling us we are doing something wrong with our diets usually or a toxic over load (mercury perhaps) lifestyle perhaps...(stress)
i think autistic peopld i have met are probably the most gifted and intelligent people...and often mis-understood by avg minded people...so they are discarded as 'weird'...yet thier minds are often capable of seeing more than 99% of the rest of the population.
mercuy..bad stuff...i had 2 fillings for a few years then this year i realized that mercury is also an adrenal/total body poison..so i found the best dentis around my area who refuses to put mercury in fillings anymore and he was set up to remove them properly...i have a plastic crown and filling now...but better than metal...
i am constantly juicing fruits and some veggies to chelate my body...i consume cilantro weekly as well as over 90 oranges each week!!! + pinapple...i dont care about the cost...i want my body to be the best it can be...i take MH most powerfull de-wormer and I take it HARD CORE!!!
you seem like an interesting person..how old if i may ask? where are you located?
take care!!!