Don't listen to anyone saying lyme isnt a parasite.
It is intra cellular, so it IS a
parasite also.
It is more of an organism than anything. IMHO it shouldnt be classified as solely "bacteria".
A large part of my lyme treatment has been anti parasitics.
I got these out in my stool:
I actually saved mine just because of how weird/alien-like they are. I examine them under my 100x microscope and they are exactly the same as the lymephotos site.
Brown/Black Bacilli type bacteria or multi celled organisms inside of a whitsih/yellow slimy, biofilm sac.
Under close examination of the specimens I still can't figure out what the hell they are contained within. Just some kind of slimy sac.
On another note. Whatever this is, definitely is part of the lyme illness in its late stage.
When I killed these things I had the worst herx reaction ever, and how I killed them is even more phenominal.
I had recently purchased a Nutribullet extraction machine to help absorb nutrients due to having lyme.
I made a Nutriblast called Citrus System.
It contained 1 whole orange.
1/2 lemon
1/2 lime
1, 1
inch piece of fresh peeled ginger.
Sea Salt
1 TBS Raw organic honey.
Water to MAX line, and extract.
NOTE: I left the rinds ON ALL of the citrus except the ginger. This is a very important step at killing them.
The beverage became liquified and I had about 24
ounces of the STRONGEST tasting citrus beverage I have ever had in my life. When I say strong, I mean hard to drink wanting to gag strong.
I later vomited all clear liquid 2 hours after consuming. Then was ill all night with insomnia, anxiety, back pain, stomach pain, and chills. I didn't fall asleep until about 8 a.m. and awoke at 3 p.m. When I passed stool, I found these.
Now thats not my photo, I wish I had a good camera. The organisms are so small, the
Cell Phone camera does not pick up their features closely enough. I even tried a video of them and you cant see the black parts of them on my POS phone.
I passed them in Oct 12. Havent seen any since, and have made that beverage one other time as well with no issues from it. I think it's time for another round of it.
I also passed this:
What a crazy looking creature. No idea what it is or was.