well you can try this, there is nothing to lose.
IMO if proteins are not digesting well, the reason is lack of stomach acid (mineral deficiencies, H. Pylori or something else) and then pancreatic insufficiency.
IMO, the problem with meat is in methionine/cysteine amino acid (sulphure amino acids) and sulphure reducing bacterias in the gut which make smelly byproducts from sulfure and sulphuric AA and liver is overwhelmed with it and can't convert those smelly byproducts into the odorless byproducts.
If I'm not wrong - then certain vegetables will make you smell as well, like broccoli, cabbage etc. Maybe less then meat and dairy. In this theory egg whites also will make you smell. But then again, egg whites are easier to digest then meat...
But maybe I'm wrong and maybe all of us don't have problems with same stuff and type of foods so please do try and let us know how are you doing.