Magnascent vs. Lugol’s
Hi Yes that is a very good question.
Lugol's is
Iodine in the elemental form, and also the ion form. You can take a little with no problem, but very much, a few drops and you need many supplement minerals because
Lugol's drains out of the body in the urine and takes minerals with it. It really cost a lot more and does only limited good. Magnascent
Iodine is in the nascent state of iodine. It is the
Iodine atom in a consumable form.
Science has known for over a hundred years that this is the state of iodine that really works for you but they have never known how to put it into a consumable state before. We hold the patent to that process. If you visit our web site you can see some of the studies and testimonials from doctor’s and laymen on how many illnesses our product works on. If
Lugol's could do that no one would go to the trouble of putting iodine into the nascent state. Even if 50 times as much Lugol's could do the work but it can't. I hope this helps, John Brookshire
From Medica Materia textbook often seen on your doctors desk
IODINE (U. S. P. "Iodum"). See the text-books for a detailed consideration of this drug. The crystals are
occasionally given in 1-10 gr. doses incorporated with some inert substance, as a triturate. The maximum dose is I gr. The
tincture may be given internally in I to 5 drop doses, well diluted. Iodized sesame oil is given in doses of I to 3 fK in
emulsion. It liberates its iodine slowly when ingested. The decolorized tincture, used internally, is absorbed without
precipitation. The brown
Iodide of lime, originated by Nichols, is a loose combination of iodine and calcium oxide, and
sets nascent iodine free when taken into the stomach. Give in doses of 1/4 to I gr. Spongia or burnt sponge (q. v.) is
another available way for giving iodine.
There has been a good deal of dissatisfaction with the iodides when prompt results are desired, and iodine is
coming more into use as an internal remedy. Either iodized lime or spongia may be used with assurance in nondiphtheritic
croup or glandular troubles. The other preparations are available, but are more irritating.