Hi all,
I have been suffering for digestive symptoms for the last 2´5 years: had an digestive infection, treated it with strong meds...I felt meds burned my full digestive tract! I´ve been 2´5 years in hell hardly eating and hardly pooing and with great pain...I concentrated on trying to stabilize my system: eating and pooing. Eating zuccini, oats, beetroot for this long. Last spring I switched to atkins-ish diet, and noticed my system -specially intestines- appreciated the proteins. I had to drink coke -4 liters per day- to accompany proteins as it made me digest it much better. Spent 3-4 months eating cows intestines, pig ears, lips, skin -sight!..i was vegetarian 3 years ago- and my digestive system seemed to be very happy with all that. Getting a good fat storage with it, gave me the confidence to start a WF for health purposes.
I started a WF with mineral water 18 days ago, preceded by a clarks
parasite round of 13 days. So far so good. First 4-5 days got headaches and tiredness, so had 1 salt+soda enema and solved it. From day 5-7 energy levels are quite good: I am really quite active, but also assuring good rest. I have had natural BM every now and then, and that really makes me happy. The last one was 3-4 days ago; it was a little pasty black ball, and a good amount of brown mucous. Had an enema after to help cleaning up. I´ve started to develop little "bumps" on all my head2-4 days ago: it´s like spots but with no "head" and they´re not itchy, just a bit painful if pressed. I´m taking it as detox symptoms; I have had them in "my previous life" when I was toxic. Wonder if anyone else had them or knows what are about.
Now, for the last 2'5 years i have had almost constant pain just behind the bottom part of the ribs, slightly towards the left side. Feels like a "chemical" pain plus a "physical" one: acidity, heartburn plus a pressure and fullness feelings; drinking coke really soothed it. I guess this area houses part of the stomatch, pancreas, small intestine. Also pain one palm away on the left from the belly buttom, feels like if I could have a pouch there where Bm get blocked. With the last BM the latter pain has almost fully disappeared. But the former is now starting to gain some motion. Wondering if this is a detox symptom so I continue my fast for a little bit longer to allow this part of my body to repair itself or a warning bell to break the fast as my digestive system is starting to get distressed. I dont want to screw my digestion again as I had reached a good equlibrium before the wf.
0) Can WF at this stage cause digestive acids tha could bother delicate dgestive systems?
Now, my goal was 15 days on WF. I still got water for 8-10 days more. I still dont feel hungry -well, since 2´5 years I havent had that feeling, so I doubt I will feel it now-, my tongue has cleared a bi but still got pasty white coat -I doubt it will go away anyway- and feels like a scotchbrite. My doubt is whether to break the WF now or continue until finishing the water (25-28 days fast).
1) In theory, will be a big gain in health for a person with health issues by extending a fast from 18 to 28 days? Or could the same be achieved by a fast of 18 days combined with 3 days fast each month?
2) Also, I started weighting 87'8Kg. In the last 5 days I have lost 600g, some days gaining 100g instead of loosing. Is there an explanation about it? this coincides with the pain in my stomatch-pancreas-small intstine.
3) Breakng the fast: I have planned to break with OJ for 2 days, then
juicing lettuce, cucumber,
Celery for 2 more days + eating oranges, clementines, apples, maybe watermelon. then day 5 do veggy broths + fruit and continue for 7-10 days, when I will introduce bread, oats, salads, and finally small amounts of meat, fish, . Is it a good plan? btw, I do kefir, when would you advice to stat drinking kefir?
4) if I do again a wf, I would like to really understand why distilled water is preferred to mineral. I assume mineral is taken from springs. In my case it is from a high mountain so not much pollution around, and I assume the minerals are those added by the richness of the substrate. Whilst distlled water is manufactured: I undertand is deionized, and that can have a positive impact.
5) Is the distilled water sold in supermarkets for car batteries apt for human use?
6) How could I make my own distilled water:
6.1) Using the britta filtering system can be used for wf?
6.2) I´ve read something about tap water being boiled and
trapping the vapour will be distilled water. can someone give me a good and efficient method for getting it?
Sorry for the long post!! Once I get started I g forever. Anyway, I hope some info can be useful for others and some questions could be answered. Thanks a lot for any input.