Hey there,
I still haven't done my second long fast (wasn't ready yet), but I thought I'd share with you yet another benefit of this fast: My metabolism is faster than it has been in years!
It's been almost a month since I completed the 29 days, and I just got back from the cottage where I was actually eating much like I used to. This is bad, I know, but what was interesting was that eating habits that would normally make me gain weight now are either not affecting my weight at all, or I find I am losing a little.
I've managed to keep 20 out of the 27
pounds lost off. There was a period of weight gain that took me up to only 10 or 12
pounds less than my starting weight, but with this new metabolism boost, it came off again, while I was still eating heartily, and not too pristinely.
I attribute the metabolism gain to my dropping the 100 or so stones during days 11-28.
I still have the cyst to attend to, and I'll be starting another
Master-Cleanse shortly to see what I can do about it, but so much good has come of this last fast already.
Just a little good news to encourage all of you!