For the record, I've had a fairly good profile such as diet, companion supplements, salt flushes, etc. When I use iodine, its usually a total of 50mg via Lugol's. On busy days, extra
SSKI as well.
Well, over the years, I've overcome Hashimoto's using all the above, plus a short stint using low dose naltrexone. Its been good for a couple years now.
Now, according to lab results, I'm mildly hyper (Grave's). I don't have the TSH (FWIW), but the antibodes are about 400 (should be below 400). For the record, the Hash antibodies went from 17,000 (yes, you read that right) down to 10.
The symptoms match up with being slightly hyper. However, these are ambiguous due to caffeine use (not normally used) and anxiety due to a personal situation.
I'm seeing a new endo in a couple of weeks. (I miss my old one, but insurance changed. She was fan-f*c*ing-tastic!)
Any suggestions?