Starting from the most recent events: today I visited my gynecologist with my hormone test results. I have very low level of female hormones. He ordered the tests becouse I do kont have my period for 14 months now. I lost it when my real problems with health have started.
I suspect candida overgrowth for months and it might have started years ago - as I child I took one
Antibiotic after another. I had also numerous parastitic infections.
Here where I live dotors don't belive in candida. Even though I have recccurent vaginal candidiasis, fungal anginas and candida in my sinuses. As the stool smear was clear, my doctor diagnosed me with IBS and prescribed nothing.
So, as most of you, I am my own doctor now. I am during my second
parasite cleans. I use aloe, enzymes (biofilm protocol), ACV, oregano oil, GSE, supplements and tons of probiotics. I feel much better now, after 9-month treatment and diet.
And now the hormon thing came up. The gynecologist says it is a case of pituitary gland. He wants me to go to hospital. I am sure they would try to put me on hormones, which I quit (the pills) because of what I suspect is candida.
My question is - could the hormonal imbalance be caused by candida? Is the lack of period for such a long time possible to be caused by fungus? Or maybe the low level of hormones is the cause of other issues? What should I do knowing that none of the doctors would ever belive I could be suffering from
parasites or fungus? Should I start hormones? Here we have a fameous naturopath, who is claiming that when the overgrowth is under control, hormones will stabilise. And that nothing should be done about the imbalance, as "nature should not be corrected". Is this the right approach?